The digital application simplifies the process of placing segregated fund business with Canada Life. With its guided and easy-to-follow experience, opening a new policy for your clients has never been more efficient.
Description: This video combines stock video, text on screen, narration and upbeat music to show the reasons to use the Canada Life digital segregated fund application.
The video opens with an advisor in a suit turning their wrist to look at their watch. Text on screen appears “Got 10 minutes?”.
Narrator: Got 10 minutes?
Description: Cut to screen capture of the digital segregated fund application homepage.
Narrator: Get started with Canada Life’s digital segregated fund application.
Description: Video transitions to client information being entered into the application.
Narrator: Type in most information once and boom.
Description: Video transitions to exploding confetti with text on screen “Boom”.
Narrator: It automatically duplicates where needed.
Description: Video transitions to a view of a laptop computer with the same client information duplicated on multiple forms. Cut to stock video of a female advisor working on a laptop computer.
Narrator: It works like you do.
Description: Video returns to screen capture of the digital segregated fund application homepage. A cursor clicks the “Edit” button of an in-progress application.
Narrator: Pick up where you left off or a delegate can finish the job.
Description: Text appears on screen: “Your advisor sent you a document to review and sign”. Review document. DocuSign is a trademark of DocuSign, Inc.”
Narrator: And DocuSign is integrated for easy signing.
Description: Video transitions to a screen filled with plus signs and text on screen “Plus”, then to a photo of Canada Life head office.
Narrator: Plus, the application is instantly sent to head office.
Description: Cut to a screen filled with “error” pop-ups, and then text on screen “Help eliminate errors” appear with a checkmark.
Narrator: Help eliminate errors.
Description: Video transitions to someone shuffling paper at a desk.
Narrator: Avoid paperwork.
Description: Cut to several pieces of paper falling with text on screen: “Or still use paper?”.
Narrator: Or still use paper?
Description: Text on screen appears: “No problem.”.
Narrator: No problem.
Description: Video transitions to a screen capture of the digital segregated fund application showing the print and sign option.
Narrator: Print or download at any time.
Description: Cut to stock video of an advisor talking to a couple in their home.
Narrator: Now you can go from client meeting to submitted application
Description: Video transitions to a background image of a clock with text on screen “in minutes”.
Cut to a background image of numbers flipping over, 1, 2, 3, with text on screen “instead of days”.
Narrator: Instead of days.
Description: Video transitions to screen capture of the digital segregated fund application homepage.
Narrator: Canada Life’s digital segregated fund application.
Description: Text on screen appears: “It just keeps getting better.”
Narrator: It just keeps getting better.
Description: Video transitions to text on screen: “Try it today on Workspace”. Canada Life logo appears along with text on screen, “Canada Life and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. 1-204-946-1190”.
Narrator: Try it today.
Description: This video combines stock video, text on screen, narration and upbeat music to show the reasons to use the Canada Life digital segregated fund application.
The video opens with an advisor in a suit turning their wrist to look at their watch. Text on screen appears “Got 10 minutes?”.
Narrator: Got 10 minutes?
Description: Cut to screen capture of the digital segregated fund application homepage.
Narrator: Get started with Canada Life’s digital segregated fund application.
Description: Video transitions to client information being entered into the application.
Narrator: Type in most information once and boom.
Description: Video transitions to exploding confetti with text on screen “Boom”.
Narrator: It automatically duplicates where needed.
Description: Video transitions to a view of a laptop computer with the same client information duplicated on multiple forms. Cut to stock video of a female advisor working on a laptop computer.
Narrator: It works like you do.
Description: Video returns to screen capture of the digital segregated fund application homepage. A cursor clicks the “Edit” button of an in-progress application.
Narrator: Pick up where you left off or a delegate can finish the job.
Description: Text appears on screen: “Your advisor sent you a document to review and sign”. Review document. DocuSign is a trademark of DocuSign, Inc.”
Narrator: And DocuSign is integrated for easy signing.
Description: Video transitions to a screen filled with plus signs and text on screen “Plus”, then to a photo of Canada Life head office.
Narrator: Plus, the application is instantly sent to head office.
Description: Cut to a screen filled with “error” pop-ups, and then text on screen “Help eliminate errors” appear with a checkmark.
Narrator: Help eliminate errors.
Description: Video transitions to someone shuffling paper at a desk.
Narrator: Avoid paperwork.
Description: Cut to several pieces of paper falling with text on screen: “Or still use paper?”.
Narrator: Or still use paper?
Description: Text on screen appears: “No problem.”.
Narrator: No problem.
Description: Video transitions to a screen capture of the digital segregated fund application showing the print and sign option.
Narrator: Print or download at any time.
Description: Cut to stock video of an advisor talking to a couple in their home.
Narrator: Now you can go from client meeting to submitted application
Description: Video transitions to a background image of a clock with text on screen “in minutes”.
Cut to a background image of numbers flipping over, 1, 2, 3, with text on screen “instead of days”.
Narrator: Instead of days.
Description: Video transitions to screen capture of the digital segregated fund application homepage.
Narrator: Canada Life’s digital segregated fund application.
Description: Text on screen appears: “It just keeps getting better.”
Narrator: It just keeps getting better.
Description: Video transitions to text on screen: “Try it today on Workspace”. Canada Life logo appears along with text on screen, “Canada Life and design are trademarks of The Canada Life Assurance Company. 1-204-946-1190”.
Narrator: Try it today.
Join hundreds of advisors who have already made the switch
When using the digital application, advisors report a new level of efficiency.
Enjoy a streamlined and easy-to-follow experience that’s dynamic, guided and mirrors your conversations with clients.
Save time and reduce errors with automatic filling of duplicate fields. Built-in checks and visual cues help you submit applications accurately.
Avoid tedious paperwork. DocuSign integration makes for easy signing, plus get instant application delivery to Canada Life’s head office.
Within the platform, you'll find a range of policy types designed to suit your clients' needs. We continue to expand the list to make sure you have access to everything you need to place segregated fund business.
Policy type |
MGA / National Account access |
Advisor Solutions / Advanced Advisor Practices access |
RRSP (single and spousal) |
Available |
Available |
Available |
Available |
Available |
Available |
Non-registered (single) |
Available |
Available |
Non-registered (joint) |
Available |
Available |
Income policies |
Available |
Available |
Digital segregated fund application bonus has ended
Full bonus rules and frequently asked questions are still available:
Follow these tips to help you prepare for a smooth experience:
Have your rep code ready.
- If you’re an MGA / National Account advisor, you’ll need your Fundserv code.
- If you use a paper-based code, leave the rep code drop-down blank in Step 5 of the app, under Review and sign. Then, choose Print and sign as your delivery method.
- If you use a paper-based code, leave the rep code drop-down blank in Step 5 of the app, under Review and sign. Then, choose Print and sign as your delivery method.
- If you’re an Advisor Solutions / Advanced Advisor Practices advisor, you’ll need your Investment Centre LL rep code to complete an app.
- If you’re not sure what it is, you can find it on Investment Centre by looking up an existing client.
- If you’re not sure what it is, you can find it on Investment Centre by looking up an existing client.
Before you use the app with a client, practice first! Go ahead and use it as you like – just be sure to not select Send package until you’re ready to complete a real application.
Take a look at how the digital segregated fund application works. Watch now:
See how you can populate policy information and save time:
Learn more about the application and get answers to your most common questions.
Product support
Technical support
- MGA / National Account advisors: 1-800-475-7001 or
- Advisor Solutions / Advanced Advisor Practices advisors: 1-888-999-4516 or
Application status and processing support
For advisor use only